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Writer's pictureDr. Laura Greene

My own hormone balancing story - and how I achieved natural hormone balance

March 30, 2023

I got my hormone test results back. I was so nervous to read and interpret them. It turns out, my hormones were way out of balance.

I felt confident in starting a new supplement protocol. I eagerly grabbed some progesterone cream, DIM, and thyroid support supplements. I took everything for the first time that night, later that evening my husband noticed I had more energy and my eyes were ‘more awake’. It was a challenging start to the day to learn about my imbalances, but I was hopeful at the end of the day, after just 1 dose of supplements, I was already noticing positive changes.

I am 37 year old mom of 3, pharmacist, wellness educator and a business manager. I talk to people all day long about their hormones. What supplements to take and when, what not to take, what nutritional advice to follow, interpreting labs etc. I was tired, sure, but what busy mom isn’t? I had been feeling somewhat down, but it was winter time and doesn’t everyone feel down during the winter? Stress had been creeping in but that happens from time to time and I usually deal with it and move on.

I had a miscarriage November 2022. It was a blighted ovum and totally caught me off guard. 

What was wrong with my body? 36 isn’t that old is it? Am I going to be able to have any more kids naturally?

I experienced depression after the miscarriage and know I need to make positive changes to benefit my health. I start exercising, eating better and prioritizing sleep. Mentally I eventually bounced back. Physically, not so much. My very sluggish mid section would not go away, restorative sleep was still a struggle, energy levels were not where they once were, mood swings were more frequent. What was going on? What was wrong with me? Things that worked for me in the past just were not working for me anymore.

I decided after I had 2 regular period cycles post miscarriage I would test my own hormones to see what was going on. I’m so so thankful I did. 

Here were my symptoms ranked by severity. 

Mild: aches/pains, anxiety, low BP, tender breasts, dry hair, irritability, decreased libido, memory lapse, mood swings, rapid aging, decrease stamina, weight gain in hips

Moderate: foggy thinking, heart palpitations, infertility, stress, water retention, weight gain in waist

Severe: None

Here are my hormone test results...

Hormone test results showing high cortisol, as well asestrogen and progesterone imbalance

Estrogen Dominance

My estrogen was sky high! I had Estrogen Dominance and I fit it to the T. I needed progesterone on board and fast! Progesterone is your calming hormone that balances estrogen and prevents unwanted occurrences such us breast, uterine and ovarian cancers.

Progesterone is protective! An estrogen/progesterone balance maintains a healthy heart rhythm, proper brain function and stabilizes your mood. I needed all of those things, big time.

But wait... there's more! Our at-home test kits give information about the whole picture of your health.

hormone test results showing out of balance thyroid stimulating hormone and follicle stimulating hormone

Thyroid Health

My Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) was also elevated so my thyroid was a little off.

Also, as I expected due to my age and post-miscarriage, my Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) was high. Elevated FSH can indicate low egg reserve and a potential indicator for low fertility or infertility.

Using this knowledge, I adjusted my daily nutritional supplement routine a bit to make sure I was getting the nutrients I needed most.

Here's what I did next to balance my hormones naturally:

I removed soy from my diet, I eliminated harmful plastics from our house, I limited caffeine to 1 cup of coffee per day, I did not drink alcohol. I continued to eat organic produce and clean meats. I had a goal to sweat everyday. Sweating and liver detox are the 2 best ways to eliminate excess estrogen from the body.

April 12, 2023

I’m going to copy and paste this directly from my symptom diary:

“Update almost 2 weeks inNipple soreness went away after 1 week. Sleep has improved drastically. My eyelashes started growing longer and fuller. My mommy pooch as lessened. I’ve lost 2 pounds. I feel like I look more “like myself” in the mirror. My period started right on time today at day 28 even though I had some major stressors this past week (which in the past sometimes delays my cycle 2 or 3 days). I'm having zero period cramps so far. I have stopped the progesterone cream until ovulation, then will start back on the cream.”

Can we just shout hallelujah from the rooftops! Such massive changes in 2 weeks, and not a single doctor visit or prescription drug needed. Praise!

hormone test results showing balanced levels of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and lowered cortisol

June 23, 2023

I got my hormone test results back after 2 months of making changes. No Rx treatment needed. Oh my word what an improvement! 

Mild: anxiety, irritability, decreased libido, foggy thinking, mood swings, rapid aging, stress 

Moderate: acne

Severe: none

I corrected my progesterone / estrogen imbalance and corrected my elevated FSH.

hormone test results showing free t3, thyroid stimulating hormone, and TPO results as well as balanced LH and FSH levels

What I Learned:

I am not infertile, I am perfectly balanced to try and get pregnant again.

I do not have low egg reserve.

I feel so so so much better having progesterone on board .I also see that my cortisol (stress) still needs to be further addressed, as well as potential subclinical hypothyroidism.

My Ongoing Wellness Plan:

My plan now is to sleep like it's my job, practice intermittent fasting, move my body everyday, take certain supplements to help maintain balance and continue to keep a journal of my symptoms.

If you have questions about my journey or about your own hormone health, please please please reach out. I am here to help. I always tell my patients that hormone health is a marathon, not a sprint, and there is always something to work on and get balanced. It can't all happen overnight.

Staying the course over time, getting tested regularly, and having a support system to point you in the right direction are your keys to balancing your hormones!


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